I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get a plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

Sunday, 20 May 2007

How it all Started

I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get an plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. I applied to Watford Council and duly met the lady who could allocate plots. I chose a '5 pole' plot, ie half standard size. It took about 4 weeks to get a key. The first year costs nothing and it's about £2 per pole per year after that!

The weekend I got my key we had to put our house on the market! A week later we were living in a two bedroom flat. That was at the end of January. With so much going on I wasn't able to get to work on the plot until Good Friday. I managed to clear enough to enable my daughter to plant some flower seeds and for me to plant the strawberry runners that I had saved from my old garden.

That was how it started. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

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