I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get a plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

2009 - Here We Come

Well we're into March 2009. It was only a few weeks ago when the plot looked like this. The snow lay around for 10 days or so and there wasn't much to be done apart from order seed potatoes, asparagus crowns and vegetable seeds. The seed potatoes have now arrived and the earlies are chitting in my garage. Another week or so and it'll be time to plant them.

Over the winter we have expanded our plot to our rightful 10 poles. We're going to use the extra land for perennial veg and fruit. I've got 10 asparagus crowns on order. These will go into a raised bed although I'll have to wait a couple of years before I can collect any shoots. I'm also getting a couple of rhubarb crowns. And the strawberry plants from around the plot will be given a permanent home.

On the main area the ground has been dug over and is ready for the potatoes. We've also got some winter onions and broad beans growing. There is also a row of garlic. We're still waiting to get a load of manure and this will be used for the bean pits.

The brussel sprouts were disappointing but that's most probably because I sowed the seeds too late. I'm better prepared this year and hope to have some available for the christmas dinner!

One thing has been noted and that is the increase in the number of active plotholders near my plot. The only unworked plot in the vicinity is the one to the left of ours. Here's hoping someone takes it up soon. Growing your own really is the new thing.

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