I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get a plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Missing It

Well again I find myself recovering following an operation and unable to work on the plot. I am indebted to my dad for keeping it running. It's very frustrating as it's a key time to be working. There are the weeds to control, watering to be done and the first harvests are under way.

The winter broad beans did well but would probably have been even better with a bit more rain in April and May. By my reckoning they were 3 weeks ahead of some nearby spring planted beans. Once again i'm thinking is it worth planting them in the autumn? Also, no one else in my family likes them so they make not be grown next year!

We dug up some new potatoes 10 weeks after planting but they were about 2cm across. They were not baby potatoes, more like foetal potatoes. Again, the dry weather has probably held them back a bit. I will be trying again this week and I'm drooling with anticipation at the flavour.

The runner and french beans went in during the middle of May. We then had a week of very windy weather. I don't think they liked this and have struggled to take a hold. I want to see how they are this week as they usually seem to recover well and we always have more than enough beans at the end of the season.

The courgettes, squash and pumpkins went in at the end of May and are doing well. The first courgettes are now showing. After growing 18 courgette plants last year and harvesting a Kg a day I have learnt my lesson and have only got 5 plants this year.

The asparagus (asparagi?) are all growing and have broken the surface. This is a long term project as the rewards will be seen in 2011.

Hopefully I'll get on the plot soon. I'll take a camera and get some more pictures up on here.

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