I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get a plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Slugs and Snails

I think the only way to beat slugs and snails is to sit up all night and pick them off one by one. They will always attack your young plants as can be seen in the picture of one of my beans. Even though it looks bad I am hopeful the beans in the picture will recover. The dry spell this week seems to have kept the slugs and snails away and the beans will soon be climbing and growing strongly.

There are many methods for keeping the slugs and snails away but I've never found one that works.

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