I had enjoyed growing vegetables in the small garden of my terraced house. I decided to get a plot in the nearby Callowland allotments. This blog will tell the story of how it progresses. The successes and failures. The hard work and the rewards. Was it worth it? Let's find out......

Monday, 6 July 2009


We harvested our first courgettes yesterday, and it looks like there are many more on the way.

The early potatoes are disappointing still. There aren't many of them yet. More rain is needed.

The runner beans and french beans are still struggling but this seems to be a general trend across the whole site. I'm still hopeful that they will recover and provide a good harvest. Mind you, runner beans don't like temperatures above 28C, so last weeks 30 plus will have slowed them down even further.

On the home front my 'Sweet Olive' cherry tomatoes have set two or three trusses. I think that if we get some good sunshine this week the first ones will be ripe by next weekend. I can't wait to taste them.

I've still got some sprouts and leeks in my cold frame at home. I really need to get them planted out. Last week was just to hot for any concerted effort. Forecast is for cooler weather this week so we should be able to get the job done.

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